Fin tubed heat exchanger coils, steam, water and glycol coils
Engineered Pipe Hangers,
Constant & Spring Hangers, Cryogenic Supports, Pipe Support Design, Nuclear Standard Snubbers .
Copes Vulcan Control Valves
Critical Service Valves, Cavitation, Noise, Flashing, High urndown, Desuperheaters, Attemperators, Turbine Bypass Systems
Slurry Handling Pumps, Rubber and Metal Shell Abrasive, Erosive Service Duplex Stainless Alloys Ash, Coal, Scrubber
Water treatment technologies; Deaerators, Brine Treatment, Cooling Towers, Oil Removal
Water treatment systems for electric generation; Broad range of products and services from pretreatment to wastewater treatment; Clarifiers, Filters, Deaerators, RO Sysytems, Demineralizers
Fabric Expansion Joints, Temp. Rated to 2000 deg. F, Texflex composite fabrics
Cooling Tower Inspection, Rebuilds, Repair and Replacement. Dry Cooling Systems, Wet Cooling Towers, Ash Handling Systems, Aftermarket Sales and Services
On Demand Chemistry
Cooling tower and process water disinfection system
Turbine Inlet Chilling Systems, Thermal Energy Storage, Over 465,000 Tons Installed
Retractable, wall and rotary sootblowers, Rebuild Copes Vulcan sootblowers, Replacement parts for Copes Vulcan sootblowers
Butterfly Slurry Valves, Scrubber Isolation, Ash & Limestone Systems, Corrosive, Erosive Service